The Most Underrated Exercise

This exercise is a must-add to any routine no matter what your goals are. It’s good for gaining muscle and it’s great for slashing fat. Everyone’s done it at least once in their lives, but no one does it regularly. Sprinting. YES, sprinting. It’s an exercise so many people overlook, but has so many benefits.

What Can Sprinting Do For Me

When you sprint you use a large amount of fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers are responsible for allowing you to become stronger and more powerful. Sprinting will boost protein synthesis in your body which will lead to quicker recovery times. That’s why adding sprinting to your gym routine can be beneficial for anyone.

Sprinting can without a doubt build muscle and is a great supplement to regular weight training. Not only is it a very effective anaerobic exercise, but it even has cardiovascular benefits. These benefits include lower blood pressure, better overall circulation, and a decreased risk of heart disease. 

If you’re trying to lose weight, sprinting also has you covered. When you sprint you’re supercharging your metabolism. This leads to burning calories even after you’re done sprinting. It’s like passive income, but with calories. You do some work and reap benefits later. It also naturally increases human growth hormone production which will help weight loss and even slow down the aging process.

How Do I Start

If you do decide to add sprinting to your fitness routine, you should start with a 100m sprint followed by 90-sec rest and repeat three times. You should do this three times a week making sure to increase your carbohydrates consumption and get an adequate amount of sleep. Then around every other week or so you should adjust either the rest time or bump up the reps to four. Make sure you warm up first.

Don’t Overdo It

Keep in mind that sprinting is a very strenuous activity and should not be overdone. You should also remember to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition and sleep. Not doing these things will increase the risk of your body going into a catabolic state.

A catabolic state is a condition that is caused by excessive amounts of intensive exercise without replenishing your body with proper nutrition, especially protein. When you’re in a catabolic state you will experience fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, and will have a difficult time sleeping.


In conclusion, sprinting is a great exercise that aids the body in recovery time, building muscle, weight loss, and blood flow. Although, when paired with regular weight training is one of the best exercise supplements to help you achieve your fitness goals at incredible rates. Just don’t overdo it.